



Refrain, a Film about Music, Launches Website With Free Music with a Conscience in Mind

As Refrain's theatrical release approaches producer Tyler Gibb introduces a new website and new music at TylerGibb.com/refrain

MONTREAL, QC - Jul 17, 2009 -- With its world premiere fast approaching, independent dramatic feature Refrain, has a new hub for its widespread online network. The film's home base is located at http://www.tylergibb.com/refrain

The new website hosts all things related to the film including video, photos and especially music. In particular a newly mixed version of the film's soundtrack including previously unreleased songs from the movie produced by lead actress Vidya Lutchman and producer / director Tyler Gibb.

In addition to this new music, Gibb, is looking forward to the launch of the Refrain Side Project in August. A collaborative musical project that has talented independent musicians reinterpreting and reinventing songs from Refrain, the Side Project hopes to help shed light on the issue of conjugal violence.

For additional information about Refrain, contact Mak Faene (below).

ABOUT REFRAIN: Refrain, directed by Tyler Gibb, 2009, 104 minutes, Canada, English. Synopsis: Refrain is a dramatic narrative that follows the musical awakening of a young woman bound in an abusive relationship. Cast: Vidya Lutchman, Brad Carmichael, Rachelle Néron, Mark Waters, Vikki Wong.

ABOUT TYLER GIBB: Tyler Gibb's irreverent and prolific short animations have garnered viewership around the world. His 2007 animated feature, Minushi, premiered at Montreal's Fantasia Film Festival. Refrain marks Gibb's first official move into live-action, long-form, narrative.

ABOUT VIDYA LUTCHMAN: Vidya Lutchman is a part of Montreal's vibrant music scene. She has often lent her talents to voice acting and as a singer she has led various bands and musical projects. Refrain is Vidya's screen debut both as an on-screen actress as well as a musical performer.


Mak Faene
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