Tyler Gibb - Writer / Director
Refrain marks Tyler Gibb's first official move into live-action, long-form, narrative storytelling. He is currently developing at least two new feature films to be shot in 2009/2010. Previously Tyler spent four years writing drawing and animating a feature length film called Minushi which had its world premiere in 2007.

TylerGibb.com |
IMDb |
MTLR.ca Profile


Vidya Lutchman - Riya & Composer
Vidya has spent her life expressing herself through her voice. As a singer through the various bands and musical projects she has led and through her talent for voice acting. Refrain is Vidya's screen debut both as an on-screen actress as well as a musical performer. Most recently Vidya has been recording "studio" versions of the music from Refrain as well as working on a new album of her own.

VidyaLutchman.com | IMDb |
MTLR.ca Profile


Brad Carmichael - Ash
Brad's credits include both screen and stage productions including a 2008 MECCA Best Actor nomination for his role as the Marquis De Sade in Quills. Brad was short listed this year in the Montreal Mirror's Best of Montreal Readers Poll as the sixth Best Actor in Montreal. He is also the actor in residence at Fallen Angel Productions and will be seen next in the stage play The Pillowman at Montreal's Theatre St. Catherine, October 2009.

IMDb | MTLR.ca Profile | redjoke@hotmail.com | Aviel Talent 514-288-8885


Rachelle Néron - Lin
A graduate of Dawson College's Professional Theatre Program in 2006, Rachelle Néron has starred in several stage productions and has been involved with many student films. Traveling abroad for a year in New Zealand, she was very proud to learn that Refrain had been accepted into the Montreal World Film Festival and is excited to begin working again.

IMDb | MTLR.ca Profile


Mark Waters - Zeph
After studying acting and film making in Los Angeles, Mark returned home to Montreal to pursue his career. He has since appeared on screen in Refrain, on stage in Queen Milli of Galt, and in several television commercials. He also returned to Los Angeles to work on a television pilot called Unfair & Imbalanced.

IMDb |
MTLR.ca Profile


Vikki Wong - Deirdre
Deirdre was Vikki's first role in a feature length film. Since Refrain, Vikki has gained experience in all facets of the entertainment industry from film and television, to print and voice work.
 Vikki Wong | IMDb | MTLR.ca Profile
